NEWS Letter

5500 rue Jarry est, Montréal, Québec, H1P 1T9
Téléphone: 514-325-3456 Fax: 514-325-9020

Please do understand that this is the property of Académie Montessori du Grand Montréal and is for the exclusive use of you the parent. This information is not to be used for any other purpose or be given to a friend or parent of another Montessori school or day care center. Also, it is strictly forbidden to give this document to another day care center. We will take legal action if it becomes necessary to protect this information. Thank you for your understanding.  



March 01, 2024.

Hello and welcome to our website.

This monthly newsletter is mainly for the parents of our school.
If you would like to contact us, please do feel free to e-mail us or call us at,
Telephone Number:514-325-3456.
E-mail us at:

February was a very busy month at school.
The school looked colorful with all those red and white decorations for
Valentine’s Day. The children’s artwork displayed in the classrooms looked so wonderful.

The months of March and April are a busy time for us with all the preparations for St. Patrick’s Day, Spring, Easter, and Nutrition too.
Summer camp registrations are being accepted until March 31st, 2024.

Just a reminder, toys are not permitted at the Academy. The exception being the soft toys the younger children go to sleep with during naptime.
There is a specific dress code for the Académie Montessori. It is available at UNIMAGE. If you do not have the Co-ordinates for this company, please check the bulletin boards at the entrance to the school. There is a code for our school, and we will be happy to provide this information to all our parents.

If children are taught at this early age not to follow the rules by their parents, how does one expect the same child to follow rules later in life?

Please try to make yourselves available on the dates set aside for Parent teacher meetings. In future no appointments will be given to parents on alternative dates however good your excuse may be. School calendars are handed out before the year begins and with today’s technology it is quite easy to keep important dates free.

For the detailed Monthly program, please check the bulletin board at the entrance to the school.

Have a great Spring break and a Wonderful Easter too.

Happy Spring to all of you!
Rosemarie Rodrigoe and Jerome Kolar
Directress and Administrator